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joebloe University

The sooner you start
the sooner it will come back.

Wanna know why your hair is vacating? If you've been digging around the internet looking for reasons why... then check our jb's journal.. We've been researching for 2 years and we're throwing it all here... enjoy fellas. 


Can Zinc Supplements Aid Men With Hair Loss?

You ever look in the mirror and think, "ugh - my hair is starting to fall out. It's thinner than I remember it being." Or, "that receding hairline is slowly starting to creep up on me to the point where it's - well - not so slow anymore."



How Can Saw Palmetto Help with Hair Loss?

Saw Palmetto is an ingredient that is extracted from berries and is being studied by scientists around the world as they think it may help with people who are experiencing either hair thinning or loss. There is some ingredient in the saw palmetto called 5-alpha-reductase... a 5-alpha-what you may ask?



Minoxidil: The Miracle Ingredient in Gone Toppo

We know what you're thinking mate, how the hell do you say Minoxidil and why should I care what it is? Well, listen up because if you're absolutely fuc*ing fed up dealing with early onset hair loss, Minoxidil will be your new favourite word. (Let's practice, MI-NOX-I-DIL...see it's easy.)



Iodine: Your Best Pal When You're Losing Your Hair!

Iodine? Isn't that the brown tincture your mum used to paint on your skinned knee? What's that got to do with hair loss? Glad you asked! Iodine could be a big reason behind hair loss. You probably don't get enough, and that's bad news for your hair. Here's the story...



Biotin: Men, Meet Your New Hair Loss Savior

All hail the King! King Biotin that is. Listen up fellas, there's a lot you need to know about this magical hair growth vitamin called Biotin. If you've been freaking out lately due to hair loss at an early age, this may be your saving grace. Don't worry we won't...