Hair Loss
Where The Fu*k Did All Of My Hair Go?
Where the fu*k did all my hair go?
Hair loss is something that men of all ages and find exceptionally annoying. Many times, it just seems to "sneak up" on you anywhere between your 20s and 50s (and sometimes older). It can almost seem like an overnight phenomenon for many men of all varying ages.
You wake up one morning and go, "Where the hell did all of my hair suddenly go?"
It can seem that *poof* just like that it's gone, goodbye, no longer there. To many men, it seems like it happens almost literally overnight.
In this post, we are going to explore the reasons why hair loss tends to happen to men at varying ages and to varying degrees:
- Hair Loss is Almost 100% Genetic: Yeah, we have heard it all before. Genetics. "Yeah right," you say. But really, a lot of hair loss in men is considered to be almost 100% genetic. You can thank mom and pops for those genes that cause your hair to fall out, no matter what age it starts happening at. Some men will lose some hair in their 20s, some will notice it in their 50s of 60s, and the few blessed ones may never lose their hair at all. In fact, the Huffington Post estimates that hair loss is about 80-90% due to your genetics.
- Little (If Any) Hair Loss Is Due To Environmental Factors: Hair loss is not something that happens because you live in a certain state or in a certain city. It doesn't happen because of certain air pollutants around you. Working outside or inside, or being subject to certain chemicals in the air will do very little, if anything, to accelerate or increase your hair loss. The same study by the Huffington Post shows that 10% or less of hair loss is related to environmental factors. Genetics are the thing to blame here, no your environment. So, blaming that dust in the air at work or the diesel emissions from cars outside, scientists say, not so fast, blame those genetics instead!
- Total Baldness May Be Caused By a Condition Called Androgenic Alopecia: Yup, we hear ya' there. "What is andro-something alo-what?" you ask. Androgenic Alopecia is a largely genetic condition that is passed down from your parents through genetics that can cause severe hair loss, and oftentimes total baldness at various ages and stages throughout your life. This condition can manifest itself at any time after puberty has occurred. It is otherwise completely harmless, but quite inconvenient as you have lost your hair and are likely close to if not completely bald as this disease manifests itself.
- There Is No "One Right" Pattern For Male Baldness To Occur In: Many males will lose the hair from the top of their heads first, while others will start at the front and it will work its way back. Different balding patterns are normal and OK. Again thank that lovely genetics we have just spoken of. Some will lose more hair to the sides of their heads or in the middle while others will see it go in a straight line. Remember, there is no "one right way" to go bald or for receding hairline to occur in men. It will be different for every individual. No matter what pattern you face, though, it can be annoying and rather unsightly to what you think you want to see in the mirror.
So, the point of the entire matter, is that it appears that hair loss is quite genetic. It has nothing to do with anything we can control. It's just a crappy thing that happens to some of us based on genetics. We cannot control it by living in a certain environment or in a certain part of the world.
However, there are some treatments that can slow or help reverse hair loss if you are self-conscious about it. As technology continues to expand, there are more and more ways to help preserve your hair than ever before.
The views expressed in this article intend to highlight alternative studies and induce conversation. They are the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of joebloe, and are for informational purposes only, even if and to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.
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